Have some twins…

I promise you, they aren’t fugly, but there is one hitch… I don’t think either kid has the elf ears. Sh*t… anyways, I have an heir in mind. Abel. He is just the bees knees. Alexandra, his twin will reside in the sim bin as soon as she hits her teens. Or maybe I will send her to college. IDK. Abel is going to be calling the gypsy match maker. He needs a wife to carry on the family name. And if I get one elder for him, I will rage quit the sims for the day. No one needs old bones at his age. Anyways, they are still toddlers.

It was snowing, I don’t know if it is now.. I hope to God that Star Wars is still playing next week.. Bowling starts up again next week along with th movies. I know Coll wants to see the Chipmunk’s movie, so if it is still there next week and Star Wars is not playing, we will see it.

On with the terminal cuteness that is the Frost twins. 🙂

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Here is Alexandra.


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And here is the heir! Abel Frost. What a cutie patootie he is. ❤

I am a little biased here when it comes to heirs/heiresses. I love Abel, and I know Sadie does too. 😀


Well, I’ll play later. 🙂




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