I’m watching the Shining on AMC…

I have seen it many times b4 but I like the movie still. Elena brought a container full of Tim Horton’s coffee bc most of us are coffee addicts LOL We did an abstract painting with Elena.  I already yakked about my bowling score. I am going to get my vita very soon, I can’t get it today bc of the Sabbath. Dave is Jewish like moi. It’s going to be either tomorrow or Sunday. 😦 I want this done soon.

I forgot how awesome this flick is. 🙂


9 thoughts on “I’m watching the Shining on AMC…

  1. I am also watching the Shining on AMC lol , I have it on DVD as well, great movie , one of the very best Nicolson flicks , though I am not a fan of shelley duvall

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